Sunday, June 9, 2013

God has a plan for you

God has a wonderful plan with your life. He wants you to be a child of God in His household. He wants to give you eternal life but the devil also has a plan with you. He wants to destroy you and he wants you to end up in eternal damnation. Where you end up, depends on who you listen to. Jesus Christ suffered and died for you and for me. So that if we repent, turn away from our own plans, turn away from sin, if we confess our sins, stop sinning, obey Jesus, then he will give us eternal life and He will give us the Holy Spirit to guide us into God’s plan for us. But the decision whether we will obey Jesus or do things our way, that is entirely up to us. If we go our way, then we stay on the highway to hell. If we decide to follow Jesus Christ, then we get on the narrow way that leads to life and He will be with us, every step of the way. It is not an easy way, but He is there to guide us. We need to get to know Jesus. He is real, even though He is God Almighty, Lord of lords, the King of kings. He reveals Himself to those who obey Him, who seek Him and He becomes real to them. They follow Him every day of their lives and He guides them, He gives them life, eternal life. Do you want life friend? Do you want to spend eternity in the presence of God or do you want to carry on the way that you used to and end up in hell. It depends on who you will listen to. If you want to have eternal life, then get on your knees and repent of sin. Ask Jesus to forgive you for everything that you have done wrong.
         Confess every sin that you can remember, ask Him to forgive you, ask Him to come into your life, to be your Lord and your Master, to guide you into eternal life. He will come into your life friend and He will give you peace, He will give you life. The decision is yours, whether you go your own way or whether you go God’s way. His plans are good but our plans will end up where we do not want to be. The invitation is open to you and me, we don’t know how long, we might die today. If we don’t make that decision and start following Jesus we will certainly end up in hell. Will you decide to follow God’s plan or your own plan?
        Salvation is not an event, it is a journey, a journey that starts when you believe in Jesus and you accept Him as your Lord and your Master and from there onward you OBEY Him. You turn away from sin and unrighteousness and you live to please Jesus. You are baptized in water for the washing off of your sin and you seek Jesus with all your being. You seek His Spirit in you, you are spiritually united with Jesus. He gives of His Spirit to come and live in you, the Holy Spirit. He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and with FIRE. That fire will cleanse you, will purify you and then you have to continue with that journey, that spiritual unity with Jesus Christ, following Him every day of your life and doing what is pleasing to Him until the very, very end, your very last day. Very few people finish that journey. Most people are deceived. They think that if they have said a sinners prayer and joined a church and they read the Bible that they are saved, they are not. They are not even in the journey. If you are not following Jesus and not being led by the Holy Spirit then you are not on that journey. Jesus Christ Himself is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE. If you are not following Him every day you do not have life and you will not find the narrow door into the kingdom of Heaven. They asked Jesus whether those who are being saved are few and He said:”Strive hard, because straight is the gate, narrow is the way and few there be that find it.” Very few endure until the end. Very few follow Jesus day by day, every day. Jesus said:”Whoever wishes to come after Me must deny himself, pick up his cross every day and follow Me.” Are YOU on that journey? are you following Jesus every day? Are you being saved? or do you just believe that you have been saved, but you have no relationship with Him? you need to follow Jesus, EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE, OBEY HIM, UNTIL THE END. You have to go ALL THE WAY in order to enter the kingdom of Heaven.
May Jesus bless you

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